Back to Crews Hole again this morning
and what a lovely morning it was.
I took the pole and feeder today,
This was view down stream, upstream was a bush.
Across from from me was a small over hanging bush.
That was the spot where I was casting the feeder.
I used a maggot feeder with a ground bait
feededin its place every 4 or 5 casts.
Bait was maggots, most bites taking white ones.
It was not full of fish but there were a few Perch around the 1/2 pound
mark and small Roach and
Snotties. I had 3 of these Perch (above).
I fished the pole at around 9
mtrs out.
My 1 1/2 gram float can be seem to the right of the pole tip.
Baits used were Tares and maggots.
The tares did not work today but the maggots did.
Again most fish coming to the white ones.
This 2 1/4 ld Skimmer was the best, Perch, Roach, Dace and Snotties
were also caught.
I used Preston Innovations PR355
size 14 hooks but still the tiny Dace were caught?!!!
What a lovely day and watching two Fox cubs playing
was a real treat.
for details and pictures.