At last, an escape chit in hand and bait in the bucket I left home at 06.00.
Drove down to Burnham on Sea, Somerset.
Started setting up at 07.30 and just look at the weather.
Dawn over Burnham on Sea.

Baits used were Rag and Lug worm, Squid and Mackeral.
This is a photo of Rag and Lug on a flowing rig with some bling.

As can be seen by the next photo the sea was calm and still quite warm.

This is why the venue is called the Lower Light.
This is the Light house.

No not beach measles but the sand casts of the Lug Worm

This is a photo of the Lug Worm hole (right)
where it sucks in sand and the worm cast (left)
which is the the stuff left over after the worm has digested
the tasty bits.

This why I have a rosy glow about me?
I thought it was the sun but no
it was Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station.

Well here is the technical stuff.
High tide was at 12.00 and was a 10.4mtr (Datum Avonmouth ).
Fished with three rods.
1st rod Pulley with Worm baits,
2nd rod Pulley with Squid / mackeral cocktail,
and my Carp rod with flowing trace with a combination
of all baits. Singly and as cocktails.
Catch was 7 Pin Whiting.
This area has soft / sinking sand and deep mud.
Check out the area before you start fishing.
Also there are very fast tides.