The river coarse fishing season started today.
So off I toddled to the River Frome at Snuff Mill
Useing a 13ft float rod and small Crow quill Avon float
to size 16 hook.
Also a 7ft 3/4 fly rod.
Bait was Maggots, Casters and bread.
First fish was a a small Minnow to Maggot on the float rod.
Next was a Chub of 2ld 1oz. It took a
floated piece of bread free lined under the trees
on the fly rod.
It was to dark to get a photo of the Chub under the trees.
A move to a new swim
This tiny Trout took double red Maggot
on the Crow quill, it gave a very spirited fight for its size.

Then more Minnows like this one even with
a fair amount of liquidised bread going in.

Back down stream and a new swim.
First cast produced this slightly larger Trout, (nice to see
the trout are spawning successfully).

Then over the next 45 minutes I managed
4 of my favorite fresh water fish

The water clear and very slow with a gusty down stream wind,
not the best but still a very goo 4 hour session.