Fish that can be caught here are Mullet (below)
Flounder, Trout, Roach, Skimmer Bream, Carp, Perch and Dace.
Some nice Roach can be seen in the photo above plus a Skimmer
and a Roach.
This photo shows (in the back ground) the upper prom.
This is used on tides larger than 12.5 mtrs.
Very tight on a weekend tide at times
especially from September to December.
Fishermen can be seen at the southern end of the prom.The Severn Beach should have been called Severn Mud
You can see why in this photo.
The height of the Lower sea defence wall can be seen
in the photo below.
The conger and snottys were all released and swam off.
The tide 1 and a 1/2 hours after high water.
More info will be posted later.
My third rod with 4/0 hooks and varying sized
cocktails of Mackeral, Squid, Rag and Crab,
Failed to attract any bites until my last cast when this
greedy little pin Whiting had a go at the sausage.
I had plenty of time to take a few photos
but nothing was worth taking.
Mid tide.
This is a spot where long casting is best,
as between 40 - 60yrds there is a large area of rough ground.
It is also a good low tide mark but very muddy.
Beware of the fast rising tides. Don't get cut off.
My Conger of around 8lds was caught today 02-09-08
Baits used were Rag worm, Mackeral, Squid and Sandeel.
What you can expect to catch.
Bream, Chub, Carp, Roach, Eels, Dace, Minnow and Gudgeon.
The main fishing style is to keep mobile and spend around 15 minutes per swim
and move on when the bite stop.
I generally float fish, covering the area down stream using bread, maggots or casters.
I also use a fly rod and 16mtr pole.
When the river is running hard after heavy rain I
use the feeder float method.